Basic introduction to palmistry


 Palmistry by which one can predict their whole life, some predictions will be based on facts and possibilities whereas some will be your actual predictions.

In this blog, I will share with you the basic introduction to palmistry. what are the main lines in palmistry? what they tell us.? 

So, let's start. 

Palmistry is the study of fortune-telling. it is also known as chirology, hand reading, palm reading, and Hindi (samdurashastra). it has been practiced all over the world with different cultures and variations. 

Three main lines in palmistry

Now, The basic, main, and major three lines in palmistry.  Three main lines in palmistry. lifeline, headline, and heart line. 

image source:- google.

1.  Lifeline:- Lifeline tell your life expectancy, your health throughout your life, where your fortune, strength, and weakness lies. At what age you will achieve success or failure. it usually starts from the above of your thumb and below your index finger. it may intersect the headline or heart line. it curves and usually ends towards the wrist. it may also end with a fork.  Lifeline may be two or three to which we call sister lifeline.  some important things you should keep in mind while reading this line.    

    • how it takes curve
    • it's the starting point 
    • does this line interest with head or heart line.
    • how many sister lines does it have.
    • any line coming from lifeline and heading towards any mount or line.
    • any mark on this line-: star, island, circle, etc. 

2. Headline:-   Headline tells you about your intelligence, intuitive development,  mental strength and weakness & head injuries in your lifetime. it usually starts above the lifeline, between the index finger and thumb, may intersect with the lifeline. sometimes it starts from the mount of Jupiter. It extends throughout your palm or may end below Saturn finger, Apollo finger, or Mercury finger. It usually ends with a fork. the headline can also have a sister headline. Some important things you should remember while analyzing this line.

    • It's the starting point. 
    • does it start with intersection?
    • how its slope or is it a straight line?
    • does it end with a fork.?
    • any mark on this line 
    • any upward/ downward branches coming from this line?
    • any line cutting this line and where?
    • read more about head line

3. Heartline:-  Again an important line in palmistry. this line tells you about your love life, your emotional things, and your emotional & physical relationship with others. this line can also tell you about your heart health. it is above the head and lifeline. It starts from the edge of your palm at the pinkie side and may run horizontally or may take a curve. it ends either below Saturn finger or mount, or index finger or mount. Some points important you should remember:- 

    • it's the appearance (chain-like, or dark or normal).
    • how does this line curve?
    • branches coming out from this line 
    • any mark or it ends with fork or 
    • does it end with a trident?
    • any line cutting this line 
    • where it ends.?

 So, this was the basic introduction of palmistry. In my coming blogs, I will share with you the detailed information of palmistry and about Major three lines. Till then take care, stay safe. and if you like my blog comment below,  Share this with your loved ones and comment below if you want to learn. palmistry. 

blog by Srishti Chawla.


#astrology #palmistry


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